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Nicola Ratti’s The Collection is a series of relational works that test his studio practice of the past 18 months. Working deeply with a range of modular synthesis techniques, Ratti has generated a series of pieces that reflect both playfulness and rigour. In the same moment reflecting on the conditions of production, this edition breathes with a sense of determination, reflected in the pulsing grooves that reside on it.

Nicola Ratti – L6 from ROOM40 on Vimeo.

Nicola says of the edition:
“I believe there are records that you can name as an individual project with a clear identity or theme and there are others that are more like a treasure chest where you put the collection of what represent your best artistic development during a specific time on your path. This set of recordings is the later, a studio collection that summarises the results of my experimentations of the past couple of years.”